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Five reasons why print is powerful

Print stands out in today’s digitally saturated world. We are passionate advocates of digital, however there’s nothing quite like a printed brochure or piece of direct mail to grab the attention of your audience. Both have their uses and one shouldn’t be neglected in favour of the other, but in this blog we want to celebrate the power of print!


Here are our top five reasons why print is so powerful and why you should make it a key part of your marketing plan.

1. Print is engaging
Research shows that you’re more engaged and for a longer period of time when reading printed material in comparison to digital communications. Add in the fact that the digital world is increasingly cluttered and there’s even more room to stand out through printed media. Print packs a punch due to its high quality that oversaturated digital media doesn’t have.

2. Print is tangible
Printed media is a tangible, physical reminder of your brand. Why does that matter? For a start, people can view and read printed media at a time that is convenient for them. Being able to hold and keep it makes print even more powerful. Printed materials are often kept, acting as a visible reminder and keeping your brand on their radar. Which leads nicely to print’s next strength…

3. Print reaches a wider audience for longer
Printed materials are often left in the house or office where other people may see and engage with them. In an office printed materials are sometimes filed for future reference or passed on to a relevant colleague. Ultimately this means the life and reach of printed materials is increased, meaning more ROI for your marketing.

4. Print is credible
Print gives a sense of credibility that digital can’t compete with. People are often cautious of what they read online, which has increased with the rise of “fake news”. There’s also an assumption that greater expense and effort goes into creating printed materials, meaning print is seen as a trustworthy, higher quality source of information.

5. The options are endless!
Print offers you the chance to play with colour, layout, typography, finish and size to create marketing material that is eye-catching and tactile. Take a look at some of our work for inspiration.

Want to talk to us to about your printing needs? Drop us an email at: or call us on: 01707 876 555.